In love with life? Taking a break from the coffee salvo here, I noticed this line just recently from a mouse-over quote on an avatar in my yahoo mail home. A short but striking line – well, at least to me. I asked myself, am I? Well, yes I am and why wouldn’t I be?

I am a nurse by profession and my profession calls for the preservation of life and taking care of it. With it, I am exposed back from being just a student-nurse to being a full-pledged professional nurse to the stages of life and its wonders - (I believe in God and I have Him to thank for this wonder) - from conception, the fertilization of ovum of the female by male, to the formation of embryo, to becoming a fetus, to labor and delivery, through human’s growth and development, be it normal and abnormal – or what allied medical sciences call as physiological and pathological stages of growth and development.
Simple to complex
Life’s direction starts as a simple process to a more complex one. Notice that as life goes, we become more and more concerned about complicated things. Pleasure is the general rule of life. As a very young individual, we only concern ourselves with food and elimination. Heck, it is not even our problem but the ones taking care of us. And, as we grow older, we become concern of many more things which define our pleasure. We look for play and leisure, then companionship, accomplishment of tasks. At our productive age, our existence becomes more defined on the utilization of our talents to continue to have our pleasure. We work to live and have our life. Then, we reap in retirement what we sow during the majority of our existence – relaxation and pleasure. We then elude complications, but we become more concerned about the people around us.
Life is not without complications. Very early in life, the problems posed on us are more of the bodily functions that define food and elimination. It is critical that we are fed only by clean and palatable food for young; otherwise, we develop elimination problems such as diarrhea and constipation – and with it develop infection. Infection and diarrhea must at all times be prevented since young individuals have more fluid percentage of the body than adult individuals. The logic in that young individuals become easily dehydrated and it then will alter the developing body – and the mental development which is very crucial at this life’s stage. Later in life, aside from diseases, challenges posed on us are accomplishment of tasks and the consequences if we are unable to do so. Failure to accomplish any required tasks will have a doubling effect and will only pose more and more complications. Failing grades leading to more requirements and delay in education. It has a holistic effect on an individual – mentally, physiologically, emotionally, spiritually – and depending on the support system that that individual has will define the character of the individual whether to rise up to the situation or not and fail even more.
Our character defines what our life will be in general. If you’re a person who is strong willed and goal‑oriented, chances are you will have a better life. But, if you’re a person who is fixated and easily contented, you’re life will easily plateau and may not reach many milestones. And, if you’re at the extreme, which is easily discouraged and defeated by challenges, you will more than likely have a hard time in life.
At both extremes, I believe that whatever our present life is gives us more than enough reason to love it. After all, as long as we still live, we still and always are conferred with the chance of making it better - because conceding that life will not get better is tantamount to killing yourself. It is the person who owns life who gives chance to life to get better and not anyone else. We make our own lives. Love it and it will be better.
Life is a coffee of unknown greats
Again, am I in love with Life? I have billions of reasons to be. I am surrounded by good people – my family and friends and more friends. Life is a coffee of unknown greats. It is bitter and sweet at the same time and while you’re at it, there are more and more unknown greats to discover and experience.