Lately, I’ve been so engrossed with overhauling this blogsite as I’ve said in my previous post and much of that involves trying out and adding some blog elements into the site. On the course of doing so, I’ve come across a blog element which is designed to increase traffic of your site, the BLOGRUSH. As a ?new blogger, all you’d want for your blogsite would be for personal diary only, but in this tech savvy age, it would not hurt if you perhaps try earning using your blogsite. There are many blog elements out there to attract traffic, there’s the ADsense, the technorati, to boost your interesting posts and articles. But, these would practically mean nothing without the traffic. Referral from friends would not suffice to give you the needed traffic, and that’s where BLOGRUSH steps in, it’s a blog syndication thing – increasing your traffic views exponentially. To best help you with the mechanics of this, you can view the video tutorial here , BLOGRUSH. sign up now and enjoy.
Whoah! I guess my mind is literally on a blogrush.
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