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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

brewing the site to your taste

although no one has ever visited this site and while this site has been created back in 2005, what happened today still merits my touchpad. this, because today i did a major overhaul of this site - from the template to the elements. i am not really big on blogging and doing stuff which the public can easily access, but hey, i must say i really enjoyed doing this. well, ahh, not much on the blogging (?yet), but the tweaking of the site. what i did may be simple stuff and more of a dummy thing, but for a moment, i felt like an IT savvy. thanks to the abundance of help the world wide web provides and of course, thank you to the real internet savvies out there. thank you. it really felt like brewing the coffee to your taste, adding a little of this and that, previewing the site like tasting it, and then finally sitting back on your coffee chair while enjoying every sip of it.

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