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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

coffee anyone?

Sooner or later, I will be asked why this blogsite has the touch of coffee, and before that happens, I am now taking it upon me to ask myself why. Why?

Well, first is that I am a coffee lover. I cannot get through the day without drinking five or six cups of coffee in a day - one or two upon waking up and three or four cups in the evening to end my day.

Still why coffee for a blog with much of the articles posted in the site involving personal and random thoughts? Well, I actually plan to read and study the art of brewing coffee in depth, the differences in the taste of different beans, the aroma, and the documented physical and psyche effects each coffee bean has to the human body.

Coffee is a great part of my life. I started drinking at a young age, thanks to my dad and older brothers who themselves are coffee lovers. With numerous café shops popping like mushrooms in the country in the late 90s, it further introduced me to different tastes of coffee and beanery. Then, the coffee mania run and continues to run in the veins of the working genre, both old and young – including me. I have yet to answer the question, have I? Briefly, in answer to my preemptive question to myself, I actually plan to make this site a notebook of my pursuit to further my knowledge of the art of coffee brewing and the coffee’s benefits to the human body, to include also its adverse effects.

Coffee anyone?

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