It’s been four months. Yeah, that’s a long hiatus from blogging. Thing is, nothing actually changed in my schedule – I am still swamped and more swamped. I would have written a lot from four months ago to now, but just could not finish them; from coffee stuff to general life experiences as it is, but again, I could not finish them.
I am tired of running this routine daily of waking up, coffee, prepping myself, eating and doing a little of walking and then going back to work and then sleeping, but I cannot complain, not now and not ever. I am grateful still that while this has been becoming a routine with exhausted personal growth from this discipline, I would still say I have one of the better situations there is in our country. I have a job, can eat more than usual and still have a buying power. God is really good, all the time.
Sometimes, when I find myself on the brink of complaining, I would look at the situation of those with lesser power than I have and then I’d find the solace that I am still better and should not complain. I am thinking that when I start complaining and look at those who’s been, what I would call, more successful, the more I would be looking down myself and complain until it would not anymore be healthy and I will just end up pitying myself.
This is just me at this very instant, and I guess I can call myself lucky still. I have this site, I have friends, I have jobs, and I have my life to still work with. Life remains a work in progress so long as you value it and strive to make it better; for when you declare you’re done with it, then you’re killing it and yourself.
Sip your favorite coffee and enjoy progressing your life further.
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