I have been out long… and in long battle too… against me.
Let me just tell you about a little of what I seem to realize and ?failed to realize about me.
Though already married and yet without a child, I wanted to always be the one providing for my parents and extend this to my siblings and their family. I usually am the outspoken in our family. When asked, I try not to sugar-coat my disappointment; I freely tell them what I feel about things. Because for me, family is family and nothing should be kept secret. I give communication a high regard. I have always thought that I must forgo what my loved ones would feel when the things I am going to say do not agree with them, because I believe it will ultimately yield good things for them.
But, this is not always the case. I realized that I have issues. Issues that make me unpleasant to them. Extending help is a great endeavor. Communication is really of prime importance. But, using communication as a way of forcing your loved ones to duplicating what you do is wrong. I wanted them to be like me! This is wrong… so wrong. I am already abusing communication and I am now using it as a tool to disrespect them. Wanting others to be like your self would be robbing them off of their uniqueness and disrespecting them as a person, and also your uniqueness and respect for self.
I thought what I was doing is good. I thought I am doing the right thing. I am becoming what I do not intend myself to be. Extending help does not give me any right to be disrespectful of them. I thought providing gives me power. I realized I was just sugar-coating the bad with it. Now, I know I am wrong and I must go down from my pseudo-pedestal before i lose the very people i treasure and strive to keep. I rule no one.
I am a dishonor to the noble act of helping.
I am sorry.
how can you be sorry?
you only help and a simple gratitude that you'll get is only a miscommunication.
just do what you think is the right thing. but give some space though 'coz sometimes it can choke you.
when you have the right thing in mind but inadvertently did or did it knowingly the wrong way. how can you not be sorry?
my intentions are good, but i just did it the wrong way. that is why i am sorry, because i hurt them.
nevertheless, thank you for giving me a push. i will continue to do what i think is good for my loved ones, only this time, i will do it with prudence and consciously examine my approach first so as not to hurt them or my cause or myself ultimately.
thank you brother.
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